Oh no! The costume you've chosen for this years Halloween Trick Or Treating has been BANNED and none of the houses will give out candy to kids wearing the BANNED outfit. To make matters worse they setup road blocks that require candy to be paid to advance to the next neighborhood. Looks like you'll need to steal candy from the other Trick Or Treater's to make it home while not being caught. Avoid the lights and you should be safe.

This project was made in 9 days for the 2022 October MigJam.


Created in Unity: https://unity.com/

Aseprite: https://www.aseprite.org/

for the sprites

Bosca Ceoil: https://boscaceoil.net/

for the music

ChipTone: https://sfbgames.itch.io/chiptone

for the sound effects

Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/

for recording/ editing sound effects

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